UPH Government & External Affairs

Blank Children’s Leader Receives Prestigious John. F. Sanford Award

by | Apr 27, 2022

Image (left to right): Scott Truhlar, MD; Chaney Yeast, LMSW, JD; and Tiffany Milless, MD. 173rd Iowa Medical Society Annual President’s Reception, Iowa City, April 22, 2022. (Image Source: Chaney Yeast)

Chaney Yeast, director of family services & government relations for UnityPoint Health – Blank Children’s Hospital was chosen as the 2022 recipient of the John F. Sanford Award. This award is given by the Iowa Medical Society (IMS) to honor a layperson who has made outstanding contributions to the public health or in the field of health care.  Past honorees include former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, United States Senator Chuck Grassley, Iowa State Senator Mike Gronstal and former First Lady of Iowa Christie Vilsack, among others.

Yeast was recognized by the IMS Board of Directors for her leadership and accomplishments within her work and advocacy for children’s health across the state of Iowa. Yeast was presented with the John F. Sanford Award at the 173rd IMS Annual President’s Reception held in Iowa City on April 22, 2022.

John F. Sanford is considered the founding father of the IMS. He was a professor of Midwifery in Rock Island, IL, from 1848 – 1849, a professor of Surgery in Davenport, IA from 1849-1850, and professor of Surgery and Dean of the Faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Keokuk, IA, in 1850.  He studied medicine when only 14 years old but was too young to be given the MD degree.  At the age of 17, he settled in Farmington, IA for practice.  In 1846, Dr. Sanford was elected to the Iowa Senate and secured legislative action to establish the Medical Department at the University of Iowa.  Dr. Sanford established the first medical journal west of the Mississippi and was active in the State Medical Society until his death in 1874.